Fremont Unified School District has started work on Measure E
FUSD has started planning the projects for Measure E. You can follow along on the district web site.
Some useful links:
Measure E was passed by Fremont voters!
On June 3, 2014 Measure E was passed by 61.51% of our community approved this important measure to renovate, repair and upgrade our schools. This bond will help us continue to educate, challenge, and inspire the students of Fremont. Quality education is possible when excellent teachers, administrators, and classified staff work hand-in-hand with parents and the community.
Thank you for your support and hard work!
Measure E is the Fremont School Bond placed on June 2014 ballot!
On Wednesday February 12, 2014 our Board of Education took the first steps toward addressing our Fremont schools’ facilities needs by voting unanimously to place a school facility funding measure of up to $650 million dollars on the ballot this June. With this money we will be able to start addressing our most immediate needs:
· upgrade/repair neighborhood schools with local funding the State cannot take away
· update technology/aging classrooms, math, science/computer labs for 21st Century learning
· upgrade electrical wiring to current safety codes
· remove asbestos,
· repair, construct, acquire equipment, classrooms, sites, facilities
If you are interested in learning more about the bond measure, please contact Support Fremont Schools. Email us at [email protected].
Watch our video about Measure E!
Read the Bay Area News Group’s editorial in support of Measure E